My Morning J ackets Wearable Fabric Sculptures `My Morning Jackets` is series of autobiographical wearable artworks. Each of the six jackets represent a particular era that was ruled by a specific emotion/motion, whereby they became a second skin that functioned to withstand the real-life experiences of vulnerability and introversion. Each jacket is both a trace back to its original atmosphere of feeling as well as the objectivity that results from traveling through distances of time. Made from used, upcycled and found materials, these are the `everyday jackets` we all wear, second skins that reflect the ways we repeatedly gather, shed, create and re-create our own lives. I wore these Jackets even before they have existed. Every one of them! Some for a long time, some long enough for a butterfly! My arms! My long, talented arms reach, collect and craft. They enveloped me when there was no one around. They padded on my back or hugged...